Sunday, April 6, 2008

Boston on Merdeka Day 2003

OK, so these pictures are timestamped. Just a few odd shots. Not very good any more. Mainly from degraded negatives. I know they are not very interesting but I just felt like putting them up. The first of many from my travels.

The closest I will probably get to MIT.

Bridge over the waterway

Posh Ritz Carlton

The façade used in the series Cheers.

1 comment:

sooi said...

Thanks for sharing your pictures. Brought back a lot of memories of the US. You must have been going to school or working there in 2000-03 or so. During our school days, we did a cross country drive from LA to Boston because a friend was going to graduate school there. Not much in to sightseeing lah but I love Venice Beach and we spent quite a lot of time in Boston...Faneuil Hall and Quincy Market etc. Been a long time since i was in the US. Last time was a visit to NYC end 2002 post 9/11.

Long time haven't seen you at Capoeira lah. Busy ah?
